Thursday, July 10, 2014

C.S. Lewis- Popular Christian Writer

Clive Staples Lewis, or shortly known as C.S. Lewis, was a very popular Irish author best known for his book “Chronicles Of Narnia” and also for his Christian books like “The Screwtape Letters”. Lewis was born in Belfast, Ireland in 1898. He was known as one of the most intellectual and influential writers of his time. C.S. Lewis was Tutor in English literature at the Oxford University till 1954, and later he was included in the Chair of Medieval and Renaissance literature at the Cambridge University where he worked until his retirement. Lewis wrote around thirty books, and some of them were bestsellers at his time. Through his books, C.S. Lewis reached a mass audience, and they continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. Some of his top selling books include: “The Screwtape Letters”, “Mere Christianity”, “The Great Divorce”, “Out of The Silent Planet” and undoubtedly the most popular “The Chronicles Of Narnia”. Some books even have a film adaptation.


C.S. Lewis was also known as one of the greatest Christian apologists and apostle to the skeptics of the 20th century because through his books he gave answers to those that denied Christ as a Savior. In 1947, Clive Staples Lewis was chosen for the cover of the Time magazine because he has been perceived as reputable academic who expressed his Christian faith through his books and radio programmes. Between 1940 and 1944, Lewis worked in the British Broadcasting Corporation where he worked on a number of religious talks on what was called “Mere Christianity”. The weekly broadcasts attracted a large audience during the years of the Second World War. The religious radio talks were later brought together in one of Lewis' most famous books, “Mere Christianity”

Another popular book written by C.S. Lewis which was also presented in a movie is “The Screwtape Letters”. Screwtape Letters is described as a Christian novel, written in a satirical and epistolary style. In this book, C.S. Lewis explains how the demons affect the life of every human being. “The Screwtape Letters” is written in a form of letters which are exchanged between Wormwood and his uncle Screwtape. Screwtape is presented as wise and experienced devil whose job is to tempt people to make sins and to abandon the Christian faith. In the book, Screwtape teach his nephew Wormwood how to tempt one newly converted Christian from Heaven to Hell. This newly converted Christian is known as the “patient”. This bestseller by Lewis was sold in more than one million copies, and it was seen as excellent presentation of the existing materialism, existentialism and atheism. “The Screwtape Letters” is a difficult book to understand because everything in the book is opposite of what should be known as good way of living. The chapters in the book cover different temptations, like lack of love, smugness and lust.

To this day, the work of C.S. Lewis continues to attract more and more readers from every corner of the world. In 2008, Lewis was ranked by The Times magazine as one of the greatest British writers of all time.  

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