Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Screwtape Letters - An Absolute C.S. Lewis Classic

Screwtape Letters” is an epistolary novel, talking about Theism and Christianity in a satirical way. Readers say that if there was one book other than the Bible that every Christian should read, it is the “Screwtape letters”.

C.S. Lewis believed that there was a God, but he did not have a specific way to worship him. Highly attracted to Hinduism and Christianity, Lewis objected the Christian religion – dying and rising God, sin redemption and life over death.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Christian Drama Movie 'Courageous' Reviewed

The drama movie Courageous was shown to the public as a story about police officers who lead uphill struggle with their roles as policemen and fathers at home. This Christian drama movie is from Sherwood Pictures, the same production who brought 'Facing the Giants' and 'Fireproof' around the world. Courageous movie promotes a biblical message which is quite clear and good as well, but its delivery from a critical point is weakened by dialogue and some rookie acting.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Alpha Course Will Help You Explore The Meaning Of Life

Did you sometimes ask yourself, what is the meaning of life? What is your purpose in life? Why are you here? Why is so much suffering in the world? Does God exist? The Alpha course is a great opportunity to explore all these questions and even more, in a non-pressured, fun environment. The course is primarily pointed at those who do not go to church or have not been in a long time, and now are interested in learning something more about the Christian faith. Each evening of the course starts with a meal along with a short video about an aspect of the Christian faith and the meaning of life. After this, people discuss and ask questions.

The Alpha course is primarily designed for those who are not churchgoers. It attracts a wide range of guests, including people of various backgrounds and ages, all with different viewpoints. To visit the course you do not need to be a Christian. The course is designed to anyone who want to know more about Christina faith. Many of people who are part of this course have never been to church before. All questions are welcome on the course. It is designed for people to feel completely free of asking the questions about the Christian faith and life.

The Alpha course in an exploration of the Christian faith and aims to be a non-threatening and low-pressure experience. After you visit the course once and if you feel that is not the right for you, you have no obligation to return. People do the course for many different reasons. Some want to investigate what happens after death, whether God exists, explore the meaning of life, understand beliefs of other people etc. Each session starts with a meal and a chance to get to know other people in the small groups. This is followed by a time of discussion and short video talk. Each session covers a different topics such as:

  • Why did Jesus die?
  • How and why do I pray?
  • How can we have faith?
  • How does God guide us?
  • How and why should I read the Bible?
  • How can I resist evil?
  • What about the Church?
  • How and why should I tell others?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Four Blood Moons by John Hagee

John Hagee is an author of four New York Times bestsellers, among which is the amazing book Four Blood Moons. Each one of his books was sold in over 1 million copies. John is also known as a senior pastor and founder of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. Under his guidance, this evangelical church raised the number of active members up to 20,000. Hagee’s book Four Blood Moons includes some fascinating observations of history and Bible prophecy. According to John, God sends us message through the sun, moon and stars. We are left to recognize the signs he sends. Jesus also taught people that when the time is right, our savor will come back to earth again.

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Action Bible- Illustrated Epic Of The Scripture

Many parents are wondering how to teach their kids about the Bible. Is it possible one comic book to help kids to better understand the Biblical world and theology? The following text will give you a short review about one comic book that is widely accepted from the Christian believers all around the world. Presenting The Action Bible, the most interesting Bible story explained in pictures. It is a perfect Bible edition for the modern visually focused society.

So what exactly is The Action Bible? It is basically an illustration of the well-known Bible stories with a purpose to explain the story of redemption in a simple and visually interesting way. The Action Bible is not developed with an intention to replace the standard reading of the Bible, but to trigger the younger population and to teach them about the Bible and the word of God. The Action Bible includes 146 stories of the Old Testament illustrated on 519 pages, and 66 stories from the New Testament which are illustrated on 221 pages. There is also a special set between the Testaments which helps the readers to bridge the cultural and time gap. Every chapter and story is completely the same like in the standard narrative portions of the Bible.

The author of The Action Bible, the Brazilian artist Sergio Cariello who has worked for both Marvel and DC Comics, has created amazing comic illustrations marked by dramatic lighting and shading, rich colors, energetic and bold designs, and emotionally designed figures. Cariello finished the Kubert school for art and design, and his style fits completely the Marvel/DC Comics style from the 90s. This is surely the most recognizable comic style for most. Simply by looking at the cover of The Action Bible, you can see that the art style is bold, big, clear and amazingly realistic. This gives the characters in the stories a sense of familiarity and humanity. Cariello isn't trying to turn the Bible into a superhero comic book, but to present its stories and characters in a more interesting way.

When it comes to the writing style, it is contemporary and suited well for teens and older readers. In overall, all stories in The Action Bible are completely faithful to the original Biblical texts, but with some dose of recontextualization and combination. This amazing graphic novel narrates and illustrates the whole Bible story, and the details are incredibly accurate. The overall flow of The Action Bible is Christ-centered. Said in other words, the Biblical theology of The Action Bible is excellent.

The majority of the Christian population, especially the preteen generation, will find The Action Bible easy and enjoyable to read. Reading Biblical stories in a way of how it might have looked can be a powerful imaginative tool. As a conclusion, The Action Bible is one excellent illustrated book, a lively and faithful book about the word of God. People of all ages will easily read this book which will help them to develop a deep appreciation for our God and his son Jesus Christ.  

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Short Review on the movie Like Dandelion Dust

Like Dandelion Dust movie is a story about a boy from poor family whom is adopted by a wealthy family. While living with his biological parents the boy's life is miserable and full with troubles because of his alcoholic father.

This movie shows us how tough life can be if you have a drinking and troubles prone father. The biological mother of the boy decides to give him for adoption in hope for a better life for him. The troubles are back on track again when the biological father gets out of prison and wants his son back. Meanwhile the boy is doing well with his adoptive parents and living life without worries.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Parenting Course By Nicky And Sila Lee – Fresh Insights To Parenting

The Parenting Children and Parenting Teenagers Course by Nicky and Sila Lee are perfect resources for parenting that provide everything required to run a course for parenting in your church. They are very qualified for this job as they have been in marriage for more than thirty years, become parents of four kids and grandparents of three grand kids. Currently, they made a DVD resource so that other people can easily practice their parenting course. The course is based on Christian principles and is helpful and relevant for any parent with or without church background or Christian faith.

Parenting Course By Nicky and Sila Lee
The hosts of the Parenting Course Nicky and Sila have worked with many families and couples for over twenty years and speak regularly on parenting. They are also co-authors of the The Parenting Book and The Marriage Book, and they also lead the The Marriage Preparation Course and The Marriage Course. The parenting children course is made up of five weekly sessions, including time for meal. All these sessions cover five main topics:

  • Creating strong foundations
  • Meeting the needs of your kids
  • Setting normal boundaries
  • Teaching healthy relationships
  • Our long-term aim
Each session of parenting course can be separate into two and go over ten shorter sessions. Each session is made up of two DVD segments from 30 minutes where Nicky and Sila, parents and their children as well as some experts from this area talk about parenting. These segments are stimulating and interesting. After each of them, the DVD is paused and participants discuss as a group or complete some activities in their manuals. The ensuring discussions are helpful and lively, while the manuals include notes from the exercises, segments and homework activities.

The parenting course is unashamedly Christian, is based on Christian principles and people pray at the end of each parenting course session. Nicky and Sila are so gentle and natural in their presentation that even those who aren't Christians are made to feel welcome and comfortable. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Review Of Wm. Paul Young's Popular Book Cross Roads

The title of the popular book Cross roads by Wm. Paul Young suggests what you are going to find in the story. Antony Spencer is a powerful, wealthy man, arrogant, self centered, selfish and sometimes cruel – he is everything a person should not be. He suffers a cerebral hemorrhage and falls in a coma in the hospital. While in this condition, Antony awakens to find that he is in a different world. While being awaken in a completely different world, he finds that he is capable to interact with people from both worlds.

He goes from one to another world, communicating with each world as he exists in both places. In the new world, Antony meets new people who would have never met before. He interacts with their souls, their hearts, their minds. He is able to speak with them and to move from one person to another. Along his way he meets a boy with Downs Syndrome and his sister who suffers from her own ailment. He meets their family and friends and finds that he really has emotions. While in the other world, Antony meets a representative of God. He meets him, personally and close. He is forced to take a hard and deep look of himself and discovers that he does not really like what he sees. While cleaning the house, he is offered a second chance by God: he can return back and heal one person: not on his own, but with God's help. He feels that by healing himself, he can help other people, making the wrong right as well as making their lives better.

This trip of self discovery, of looking at himself is tempting and intriguing while giving the reader an opportunity to follow and to look at himself at the same time. The readers may discover things about themselves they will not be proud of. Or they may find themselves to be like the people with whom they live or work. This popular book “Cross roads” takes us on a journey of self discovery. Are we people who care too much about ourselves than for the others? While the story may be weak, the characters are still strong. This popular book “Cross roads” is an interesting book, although it is predictable in some parts.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

C.S. Lewis- Popular Christian Writer

Clive Staples Lewis, or shortly known as C.S. Lewis, was a very popular Irish author best known for his book “Chronicles Of Narnia” and also for his Christian books like “The Screwtape Letters”. Lewis was born in Belfast, Ireland in 1898. He was known as one of the most intellectual and influential writers of his time. C.S. Lewis was Tutor in English literature at the Oxford University till 1954, and later he was included in the Chair of Medieval and Renaissance literature at the Cambridge University where he worked until his retirement. Lewis wrote around thirty books, and some of them were bestsellers at his time. Through his books, C.S. Lewis reached a mass audience, and they continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. Some of his top selling books include: “The Screwtape Letters”, “Mere Christianity”, “The Great Divorce”, “Out of The Silent Planet” and undoubtedly the most popular “The Chronicles Of Narnia”. Some books even have a film adaptation.


C.S. Lewis was also known as one of the greatest Christian apologists and apostle to the skeptics of the 20th century because through his books he gave answers to those that denied Christ as a Savior. In 1947, Clive Staples Lewis was chosen for the cover of the Time magazine because he has been perceived as reputable academic who expressed his Christian faith through his books and radio programmes. Between 1940 and 1944, Lewis worked in the British Broadcasting Corporation where he worked on a number of religious talks on what was called “Mere Christianity”. The weekly broadcasts attracted a large audience during the years of the Second World War. The religious radio talks were later brought together in one of Lewis' most famous books, “Mere Christianity”

Another popular book written by C.S. Lewis which was also presented in a movie is “The Screwtape Letters”. Screwtape Letters is described as a Christian novel, written in a satirical and epistolary style. In this book, C.S. Lewis explains how the demons affect the life of every human being. “The Screwtape Letters” is written in a form of letters which are exchanged between Wormwood and his uncle Screwtape. Screwtape is presented as wise and experienced devil whose job is to tempt people to make sins and to abandon the Christian faith. In the book, Screwtape teach his nephew Wormwood how to tempt one newly converted Christian from Heaven to Hell. This newly converted Christian is known as the “patient”. This bestseller by Lewis was sold in more than one million copies, and it was seen as excellent presentation of the existing materialism, existentialism and atheism. “The Screwtape Letters” is a difficult book to understand because everything in the book is opposite of what should be known as good way of living. The chapters in the book cover different temptations, like lack of love, smugness and lust.

To this day, the work of C.S. Lewis continues to attract more and more readers from every corner of the world. In 2008, Lewis was ranked by The Times magazine as one of the greatest British writers of all time.  

Thursday, June 19, 2014

A short review on the most famous book "The Bible"

     The Bible is one of the most popular if not the most popular book on earth. This book can help us grow spiritually and be a few steps closer to God, though you would be able to understand the meaning of his words.

The book can help us to stay calm, fearful and courageous in the midst of hardship. We come into temptation to sin almost every day but thanks to the Bible we learn to control our emotions and acts. The Bible has a powerful mechanism to rescue us people from darkest thoughts and hopeless situations and return us to the right path.
There is no certain reason why you should read it, it's up to you to decide whether to accept the words of God.